Promotion description appears here."To celebrate 30 years of marriage to my dream guy, we wanted to to redo our rings. I asked Jennifer to take me to a place I hadn’t been before. I wanted a bit if bling, but I also wanted a ring I could wear to work in. My work as a garden designer has made me wary of ornament, for practical reasons. Jennifer is clearly a hands-on gal herself. We met in her rural studio, surrounded with oaks & full of lively vignettes: chickens, dogs, kids, vegetable gardens & lots of homegrown beauty, right in line with my values and lifestyle. Jennifer chose the perfect stone for me, a gorgeous teal sapphire, and everything simply fell into place from there. I loved the architecture of her Golden Gate design for the setting, it was an easy choice, even though there was a lot to choose from! I’ve gotten so many compliments on this ring! I love it & feel undressed without it. I can’t wait to design my next Dawes treasure!"
- Mattie
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